Nova Scotia is for Lovers // Honeymoon Scrapbook
When Jesse and I were first dating, we had three lovely weeks together before he left the country for field research. Then, all at once we were doing the "getting to know you" dance across 5,000 miles of distance, and in our awesomely nerdy way, mostly via spreadsheets. These weren't any old run of the mill spreadsheets though. What started off as an innocuous list of "dates we could go on" and "things to do" when he returned quickly spiraled into a color coded, annotated and very well researched Excel document that we passed back and forth over the next several weeks.One line item in particular was a bucket list trip of sorts we had both day dreamed about, and so the final entry in our "Road trips/traveling miscellanea" column was "Maine Coast"--and thus, looking back at this list four years (and hundreds of dates, a sunset proposal and a wedding under a tree that hosted one of our first picnics!) later, the idea for our honeymoon was born. We toyed with the idea of just camping in Acadia for a week or so, but after Jesse found a beautiful little hide away in Queensport Nova Scotia, our destination shifted and 10 months after saying I do, we packed up the pups, the banjo and several cameras and headed north.I love that we were able to press pause for two weeks and do absolutely nothing but sleep in, eat lobster*, play at the beach with the dogs and watch the sun set next to camp fires--I wouldn't change a thing!Here are some of my favorite photos from our time away--fair warning, it's mostly just puppies, beaches, me cooking vegetarian baked beans with my fingers, more puppies, more beaches and some pretty sunsets with an occasional dash of lobster ;)Hope you're all having a beautiful end to your summer, and here's to many more camp fires, cook outs and sunsets with the ones we love <3
*I have been die. hard. vegetarian for the past two years, and for 99% of the time, I've had #noregrets. One thing I have missed is how much fun it is to enjoy local food while traveling! I had never really tried lobster before (except for once at a beach cook out and my only memory of the experience was: ew. squishy.), and definitely never considered myself a big seafood person, but after a lot of thought, I decided to take a pescatarian break while honeymooning and go ahead and try all of the seafood dishes we came across on our road trip.Purists might see it as vegetarian heresy, but I learned something this summer that had escaped me before: lobster is SO DELICIOUS. In short, I absolutely loved my little flexitarian interlude, but I'll probably resume my vegetarian ways now that I'm once again landlocked. Lobster season is just a few months aways though, and there's always time for another road trip, amirite?